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Freshniz - 420_Report

EZ-Widers Review

EZ-Widers Double Wide $1.50 per pack 33 leaves Pros: Good to learn with Cons: Too wide, harsh smoke, lots of paper ATTENTION all n00bs, these are the papers for you.  If you haven’t mastered the part of rolling where you tuck the paper under and create a cylinder, ez-widers have enough paper that you can roll it like a burrito, or a rug.  The final product will have three layers of paper and probably taste terrible, but hey, you’re learning. The main point of ez-widers is to be extra wide for rolling.  The problem with that is why would anyone want a rolling paper that was super thick and not very long?  There aren’t many other features that ez-widers feature.  The texture of the paper is satisfactory but not very strong, and the adhesive strip could be a little stickier.  Also since there is so much extra paper, it will …

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Bambu Papers Review

Bambu Papers 1.50 per pack 33 Leaves Made in Spain Bambu rolling papers are as standard as you can get.  I remember first discovering them at the beginning of my rolling days.  They allowed me to screw up a few times, yet not fall apart in my hands or tear due to excess licking.  Be careful though, as any paper that gets too moist can and will rip. 33 papers per pack is a pretty conventional amount to have, even though in my opinion more is always better.  Where Bambu really pulls through in the clutch is the length of the papers.  At 3 inches, it’s neither too long nor too short, and if you need more, just roll another paper.  The smoke could be a little lighter though, I often find myself noticing the taste of the paper, which isn’t what I want to be focusing on. If you …

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Hemp Rips $1.50 – 2.00 53mm wide, 5m long Pros: Ultra long, your choice of length Cool Packaging With these, no need for other length papers Cons: Sometimes rip off too much Box isn’t flat for pocket comfort These are probably one of the cooler rolling papers you’ll encounter. Hemp Rips are a tube of rolling paper where you can pull out as long of a paper as you’d like and rip it off, allowing for the final product to be anywhere from an inch, to 15 feet. IMAGINE SMOKING SOMETHING 15 FEET LONG! Once you’ve stopped using the hemp rips to measure certain body parts, or even use those body parts to help roll the paper (I’m talking about fingers), you’ll notice that the quality of the paper is pretty durable, accompanied by a sticky adhesive strip. These are no easier or harder to roll than any other paper. …

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Pure Hemp King Size Rolling Paper Review

Pure Hemp King Size Price: 2 – 3 dollars 33 leaves Made in Spain Pros: Long Lasting Sticky Good ratio of width to length Cons: Maybe a little too long.  King Size is big 33 is ok, but 50 leaves would be plentiful Pure Hemp is quite the impressive brand of cigarette papers.  They produce a sturdy, yet delicate rolling paper that has a promising adhesive strip at the end.  There have been times when I have reached for other papers first, only to have them rip, be too short, or have a shoddy adhesive.  But one must look no further as Pure Hemp covers all the bases and leaves no one with a bad smoking experience.  The actual appeal of these papers isn’t unveiled until you actually light them, but once you have, you’ll realize that they are burning so slowly, you could go have lunch come back, and …

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How to Clean a Glass Bowl, Bong and Pipe

I’ve been getting this question on Twitter a lot recently so I felt I’d answer it in a post. I’ve gone through 4 Glass Bongs, 3 One-Hitter Pipes, and a countless number of glass bowls. I’ll admit that I have even broken my glassware in an attempt to clean it.  That’s why I feel that most can learn from my mistakes and share in my victory with the flawless bong cleaning methods I now use today. If you’re going to travel with your piece it’s best to keep it clean. Resin smells more than bud! That’s the first thing law enforcement would smell on you. A dirty piece is always considered drug paraphernalia — clean, it’s nothing more than a tobacco pipe. Glass Bong / Bowl / Pipe Cleaning Tips: These are the best ways to clean a bong. If you follow closely you will never need to go out …

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Vaporite Elevation (VR-005) Review

Vaporite Elevation (VR-005) Price: $50 online Pros: Cheap Digital Temperature Quick Startup of 5 minutes Cons: Digital read is not accurate Burns your product Hard to put more product in without touching the scorching hot bowl (use a glove) Wooden, smells funny after being on for too long The reason why I came across this vaporizer was because my friend purchased it on a whim and then proceeded to leave it at my house for the next three weeks, forgetting it every time she was over.  Otherwise my taste is too picky for this type of vaporizer, unless you’re looking for one where you don’t have to spend any money, and you kind of get the vaporizing experience, kinda. The Vaporite Elevation features a wooden tower with a digital temperature read and a knob for temperature control.  Inside is a ceramic heating element, and at the top of the tower …

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