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Weekly Weed News Wrap-Up

It’s been one heck of a week since Obama laughed off the idea of legalizing Marijuana to save the economy. Stoners everywhere are in an uproar over Obama’s take on the top 8 questions voted highest (3,606,000 votes) by Americans on the virtual town hall website for questions to ask the president, and laughed it off as if it meant nothing. These questions were voted highest in the categories, “health” and “economy”. Obama said yes to legalizing Marijuana when asked what he would do as president while campaigning in Hawaii but now as President he’s had a change of mind. Change we can believe in. . .

“THE PRESIDENT:  Three point five million people voted.  I have to say that there was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy — (laughter) — and job creation.  And I don’t know what this says about the online audience — (laughter) — but I just want — I don’t want people to think that — this was a fairly popular question; we want to make sure that it was answered.  The answer is, no, I don’t think that is a good strategy — (laughter) — to grow our economy.  (Applause.)”

video courtesy YouTube

Have you heard of Santiago Meza Lopez? They call him “The Soupmaker.” In January he confessed to Mexican authorities that he had dissolved over 300 dead human bodies in acid. There’s a lot of money to be made in America’s black market for drugs and Mexican suppliers are willing to kill a lot of people to control those markets and capture the gains. Conservative estimates put the death toll of the war between rival Mexican gangs at over 5,000 in the last year alone.

ala [ TheWeek.com – I smoke Pot, and I like it. ]

Year after year, major Hollywood films like Pineapple Express show potsmoking in a positive light, yet legalization remains unmentionable to both our political parties. And America’s most popular Olympian, Michael Phelps, like the majority of people his age, has tried pot, but loses millions in sponsorship when it is revealed that he has done what most of his fans have done.

via [ Politico – Marijuana issue suddenly smoking hot ]

The problem for Mr. Obama is that marijuana reform was at or near the top of the list of all questions in three major categories: budget, health care reform, green jobs and energy. Our leader doesn’t seem to understand that millions of his interlocutor-constituents are actually quite serious about the issue.

echo [ HuffingtonPost ]

Santana says “Legalize Pot”

The picture of the Week is of a weed strain called “The White” — the pictures were obtained from ICMag forums where more pictures of the strain can be found.

Strain: The White
Pic of the Week: The White

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