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Volcano Classic Vaporizer Review

Volcano Vaporizer Classic

Let me be blunt. No vaporizer does a better job of filling said bag of fun than the Volcano vaporizer. I can only rave. Go ahead, call me an elitist snob. I know the price tag is by no means pocket change…but I will put my stoner status on the line for the Volcano. It will fuck you up, and you will love it. The Volcano definitely gives credence to the old adage “you get what you pay for.” When friends come to sit tee-pee style around my Volcano, they know their vape session won’t disappoint. Nobody says no to the Volcano. My review pertains to the Volcano Classic, equipped with the Solid Valve set. I know there’s a digital Volcano, and there’s another valve set called EZ Valve, but I opted for neither. My motivation behind what I went with: The selling point for the Digital is its “precise …

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How to Make a Bong – MacGyver style

The following was submitted to the site via a comment to the Homemade Bong section.. I thought it was so good I’d create a separate post for it. How to make a Bong: You need: -A water bottle. I like using a bottle for airsoft BB’s though. Any kind of plastic container, basically. -Scissors -A pen -A small socket wrench head. -Adhesive such as chewing gum, electrical tape, play dough, whatever. 1.Take your plastic container and either drink what’s inside, pour it out, or if it isn’t something you drink, pour it into a different container or throw it away. 2.Take the scissors and poke two holes in it. One near the top somewhere along the side of the bottle, and one about three quarters of the way down, towards the bottom, somewhere on the side. Turn the scissors around a little bit to make the holes circular and big …

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The answer to: What can you do with vaporized marijuana?

Extra Finely Ground vs. Regular Grind

The key to saving bud for re-use later is to never overheat it. You’ll know you over-heated instantly from the near-death choking experience that subsequently follows such a little smoking plume. So what can you do with this now brownish colored vaporized bud? 1) Edibles: You can turn it into cannabutter using the recipe here! With cannabutter one can put up to 10 grams of vaporized bud into 1 stick of butter (being mindful of the potency of the bud being used, there is roughly 30-40% of that unburnt THC in the vaporized marijuana). Once the cannabutter has hardened in the fridge I do a betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe which uses their mix and that 1 stick of butter. You can do any recipe that requires butter. The possibilities extend as far as butter uses (buttering bread, pasta butter sauce, etc). The key is to avoid the butter …

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Coolest Homemade Bongs

This post is dedicated to all the stoners who have took something of limited use and turned it into a functional smoking device.. DISCLAIMER: If you attempt to build one of these on your own make sure the parts you are using can withstand high heat without vaporizing. You don’t want to inhale plastic… that leads to all sorts of bad stuff in the long run. Now let the fun begin: The Mannequin Bong – by far the most sought after cutie of em all.. you inhale the smoke out of her mouth.. Sexy or just creepy? Don’t take her out of the basement. The gatorade bottle bong – The most reproduced bong, there seems to be a lot of different flavors of it.. A six tree percolator gatorade bong.. Definitely not safe to smoke out of. But cool to look at! This ones got some snazzy LED lighting in …

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Smoking Etiquette: Who gets the first hit?

Smoking Etiquette:  Who gets the first hit? Everyone wants the first hit.  We have all been there, looking around in anticipation of who’s going to get things started when one member of the group puts the joint in between his or her lips and takes the first drag.  Why did they do it?  Did I just get robbed of the sacred initial toke?  No, because in reality the choice is not up to us, for there are unspoken rules and regulations of who gets “greens.” Joint When smoking a joint, a general rule of thumb is whoever rolls it, hits it first.  Why you ask?  Remove the person who rolled it from the picture and what are you left with?  No joint.  It’s likely that whoever rolled it contributed the product within it, so at the rollers discretion, he or she is allowed to offer the first toke to another …

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How to Roll a Joint

How to Roll Using a Paper Filter There are several different techniques to rolling, and often times people have their own tricks to get theirs rolled just right.  Some people roll from the center outward, some pre-roll the paper and then pack the tobacco inside, and some use a paper filter at the end that is used as a starting point to get rolling.   In this step-by-step guide to rolling I’ll explain how to roll using a paper filter; a very basic and foolproof way to have the perfect roll. What you’ll need: 1 Rolling Paper, 1 Index card, or thick paper like it, Ground Tobacco. Step 1: Grab an index card and cut off a small rectangle about ½ inch wide and 1 inch long. Once you roll this up it is going to act as your filter and starting point in the rolling process Step 2: Take your …

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