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Bong/Pipe Cleaners

Kush Clean Review – a glass cleaner for your bong

Always up to accepting a challenge, we came across a comment in one of our Bong Cleaning product reviews from a competing company who claimed their product was better. Being fair and unbiased, I couldn’t allow the comment to remain up when I haven’t tried the product. I said, “Send us a copy and if it’s true let us be the ones to prove it.” They accepted the challenge. This is the fair and unbiased Review of Kush Clean Glass Cleaner Dirtying a piece for testing is always the most fun part of our reviews; in this review we’re using a $400 glass water pipe that has some of the hardest-to-clean percolators that we’ve ever had the pleasure of dirtying. In the past we would normally use 99% alcohol and rock salt or Formula-420 to clean this and then a whole bunch of pipe cleaners to finish the biggest build …

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Klear Glass Cleaner Review

There are a lot of Cleaning Solutions out there… And in our never-ending quest to keep our glass pieces clean, we came across a new solution called ‘Klear’ KLEAR Glass Cleaner (Kleaner) Review Klear promises to make your glass piece look and feel as “good as new” while also being reusable… and hey, we all know new is good. 😉 At $18.99 a bottle, it’s one of the more expensive glass cleaning products on the market. So the reusable part is quite nice, but of course we had to test it first. So we put Klear to the ultimate test using our DIRTIEST and most hard-to-clean glass parts for this review. We tried to abstain from going overboard with finding and making things dirty enough to clean but these 2 test subjects fit the bill for these reasons: they are both extremely painful to get 100% clean there hasn’t been …

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How to Clean a Glass Bowl, Bong and Pipe

I’ve been getting this question on Twitter a lot recently so I felt I’d answer it in a post. I’ve gone through 4 Glass Bongs, 3 One-Hitter Pipes, and a countless number of glass bowls. I’ll admit that I have even broken my glassware in an attempt to clean it.  That’s why I feel that most can learn from my mistakes and share in my victory with the flawless bong cleaning methods I now use today. If you’re going to travel with your piece it’s best to keep it clean. Resin smells more than bud! That’s the first thing law enforcement would smell on you. A dirty piece is always considered drug paraphernalia — clean, it’s nothing more than a tobacco pipe. Glass Bong / Bowl / Pipe Cleaning Tips: These are the best ways to clean a bong. If you follow closely you will never need to go out …

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