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Coolest Ways to Roll a Joint

Coolest Ways to Roll a Joint While some of these joints may not even seem smoke-able (but they are).. These are pictures of some of the coolest and most interesting ways I’ve seen on the Internet to roll a joint. In fact after they start to look more like crazy architecture created by the mad-stoner. That’s neither here nor there. Feel free to send our Twitter correspondent @420_Report all of your cool blunt and joint designs for our next update! These are some of the unique joint rolling methods that are sure to turn heads, if not spin them. Pictures and videos can be found toward the bottom of the page. How to Roll Weird Joints Rolling Styles: Regular Joint – This is the first type of joint you need to learn how to roll. The main idea here is to grind some weed, put it in some rolling paper (gum-side …

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EZ Wider Wild Berry Review

EZ Wider Wild Berry 32 Leaves $1.50/pack Pro: Easy to roll with!! Cons: Really, where’s the party? – flavoring is lame. Short size not my cup of tea. Harsh, unclean burn. EZ Wider: Undoubtedly the most well-known cigarette rolling paper (with only Bambu rivaling at a close second).  But there are inherent downsides to such fame.  Being the most commercialized (found in 4 out of 5 convenience stores) has done nothing for this paper’s burn quality. EZ Wider’s popularity definitely stems from its ease of roll.  And EZ Wider’s Wild Berry addition does not disappoint in this department.  This is one of the most forgiving papers on the market in terms of rolling. As such, its perfect for rolling newbs due to the durability, thicker leaf, and overall feel of the paper.  One complaint is the 1.25 size, labeled on the packaging as “French Size.”  I’m warning you now that …

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How to Roll a Joint

How to Roll Using a Paper Filter There are several different techniques to rolling, and often times people have their own tricks to get theirs rolled just right.  Some people roll from the center outward, some pre-roll the paper and then pack the tobacco inside, and some use a paper filter at the end that is used as a starting point to get rolling.   In this step-by-step guide to rolling I’ll explain how to roll using a paper filter; a very basic and foolproof way to have the perfect roll. What you’ll need: 1 Rolling Paper, 1 Index card, or thick paper like it, Ground Tobacco. Step 1: Grab an index card and cut off a small rectangle about ½ inch wide and 1 inch long. Once you roll this up it is going to act as your filter and starting point in the rolling process Step 2: Take your …

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Pure Hemp King Size Rolling Paper Review

Pure Hemp King Size Price: 2 – 3 dollars 33 leaves Made in Spain Pros: Long Lasting Sticky Good ratio of width to length Cons: Maybe a little too long.  King Size is big 33 is ok, but 50 leaves would be plentiful Pure Hemp is quite the impressive brand of cigarette papers.  They produce a sturdy, yet delicate rolling paper that has a promising adhesive strip at the end.  There have been times when I have reached for other papers first, only to have them rip, be too short, or have a shoddy adhesive.  But one must look no further as Pure Hemp covers all the bases and leaves no one with a bad smoking experience.  The actual appeal of these papers isn’t unveiled until you actually light them, but once you have, you’ll realize that they are burning so slowly, you could go have lunch come back, and …

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