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Tag Archives: weed

Coolest Homemade Bongs

This post is dedicated to all the stoners who have took something of limited use and turned it into a functional smoking device.. DISCLAIMER: If you attempt to build one of these on your own make sure the parts you are using can withstand high heat without vaporizing. You don’t want to inhale plastic… that leads to all sorts of bad stuff in the long run. Now let the fun begin: The Mannequin Bong – by far the most sought after cutie of em all.. you inhale the smoke out of her mouth.. Sexy or just creepy? Don’t take her out of the basement. The gatorade bottle bong – The most reproduced bong, there seems to be a lot of different flavors of it.. A six tree percolator gatorade bong.. Definitely not safe to smoke out of. But cool to look at! This ones got some snazzy LED lighting in …

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The Government Grows Crappy Pot (video)

Fox Memphis goes to the National Institute of Marijuana Project and tours their ‘grow-op’. The doctor running the place notes that – On street level pricing of the government’s pot: “[the price] depends…  if people know it’s coming from here… very expensive.” and he knows this how? His pot is ground up into shake with gigantic twigs sticking out of it.  I’m actually more interested in the pot they’ve confiscated from growers around the US. Those zipped up bags look like they hold the best pot around.. Not the limp nugs growin’ in the Mississippi research facility *gag*. . . The good doctor also goes on to flash a picture of himself holding a THC suppository created by none other than.. himself. Which further mentioned is not very popular in the United States.. He can take that shit and stick it up his own ass. Wonder why nothing good has …

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Weekly Weed News Wrap-Up

It’s been one heck of a week since Obama laughed off the idea of legalizing Marijuana to save the economy. Stoners everywhere are in an uproar over Obama’s take on the top 8 questions voted highest (3,606,000 votes) by Americans on the virtual town hall website for questions to ask the president, and laughed it off as if it meant nothing. These questions were voted highest in the categories, “health” and “economy”. Obama said yes to legalizing Marijuana when asked what he would do as president while campaigning in Hawaii but now as President he’s had a change of mind. Change we can believe in. . . “THE PRESIDENT:  Three point five million people voted.  I have to say that there was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy — (laughter) — and job creation.  And I …

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