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How to Roll a Joint

How to Roll Using a Paper Filter There are several different techniques to rolling, and often times people have their own tricks to get theirs rolled just right.  Some people roll from the center outward, some pre-roll the paper and then pack the tobacco inside, and some use a paper filter at the end that is used as a starting point to get rolling.   In this step-by-step guide to rolling I’ll explain how to roll using a paper filter; a very basic and foolproof way to have the perfect roll. What you’ll need: 1 Rolling Paper, 1 Index card, or thick paper like it, Ground Tobacco. Step 1: Grab an index card and cut off a small rectangle about ½ inch wide and 1 inch long. Once you roll this up it is going to act as your filter and starting point in the rolling process Step 2: Take your …

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