Seems these Pokebongs are all the rage as of late, so an ent from r/trees (over on reddit) posted his method for making the POKÉBONG. We’ve gone into detail and went through the steps and required materials in the making of one. Enjoy (safely– yes there is a disclaimer at the bottom. tldr; research all materials used when making an improvised pipe). Required materials: Glass Stem Glass Bowl/slide (that fits stem) Pokeball ~$2 via [amazon] 1 1/4″ PVC or Glass Pipe from your local hardware store (cut to desired length) drill to put stem hole into pokeball Most local hardware stores can even help you with the drilling if you’re somewhat discrete about what you’re doing with it. Bring the Pokeball with you when sizing out the pipe so it can have a snug fit. Once you’ve got the pipe for the top bit and a hole drilled for …
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Pineapple Homemade Bong of the Day
This is what happens when you combine a pineapple, a joint, great ingenuity and 1 carrot.. Pineapple Homemade Bong dedicated to /r/trees
Read More »Easy To Make Homemade Bong of the Day
Easy to Make Homemade Bongs woohoo they’re finally here!! so.. a friendly guy who wanted to remain anonymous submitted these. He took some 1 hitters and downstem pipes and put them inside plastic bottles he cut holes into. Added a rubber stopper to make it extra leak proof. This ones a surefire good hitter from the looks of it. DISCLAIMER: Don’t try this at home. Plastics can burn and have harmful toxic effects
Read More »Coolest Homemade Bongs
This post is dedicated to all the stoners who have took something of limited use and turned it into a functional smoking device.. DISCLAIMER: If you attempt to build one of these on your own make sure the parts you are using can withstand high heat without vaporizing. You don’t want to inhale plastic… that leads to all sorts of bad stuff in the long run. Now let the fun begin: The Mannequin Bong – by far the most sought after cutie of em all.. you inhale the smoke out of her mouth.. Sexy or just creepy? Don’t take her out of the basement. The gatorade bottle bong – The most reproduced bong, there seems to be a lot of different flavors of it.. A six tree percolator gatorade bong.. Definitely not safe to smoke out of. But cool to look at! This ones got some snazzy LED lighting in …
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