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Tag Archives: ez widers papers

EZ-Widers Review

EZ-Widers Double Wide $1.50 per pack 33 leaves Pros: Good to learn with Cons: Too wide, harsh smoke, lots of paper ATTENTION all n00bs, these are the papers for you.  If you haven’t mastered the part of rolling where you tuck the paper under and create a cylinder, ez-widers have enough paper that you can roll it like a burrito, or a rug.  The final product will have three layers of paper and probably taste terrible, but hey, you’re learning. The main point of ez-widers is to be extra wide for rolling.  The problem with that is why would anyone want a rolling paper that was super thick and not very long?  There aren’t many other features that ez-widers feature.  The texture of the paper is satisfactory but not very strong, and the adhesive strip could be a little stickier.  Also since there is so much extra paper, it will …

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