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Tag Archives: bambu papers review

Bambu Papers Review

Bambu Papers 1.50 per pack 33 Leaves Made in Spain Bambu rolling papers are as standard as you can get.  I remember first discovering them at the beginning of my rolling days.  They allowed me to screw up a few times, yet not fall apart in my hands or tear due to excess licking.  Be careful though, as any paper that gets too moist can and will rip. 33 papers per pack is a pretty conventional amount to have, even though in my opinion more is always better.  Where Bambu really pulls through in the clutch is the length of the papers.  At 3 inches, it’s neither too long nor too short, and if you need more, just roll another paper.  The smoke could be a little lighter though, I often find myself noticing the taste of the paper, which isn’t what I want to be focusing on. If you …

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