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Half-baked Idea: Hemp and Ice boat sinks shortly after departure

Hemp made ice boat sinks

Last week TV “scientists” from the BBC show Bang Goes the Theory tested a boat constructed of Pykrete hemp-ice in the warm waters of Portsmouth Harbor, England. Steadily melting, it sank after only an hour in the water, forcing hosts to evacuate ship. Bang Goes the Theory attempted to recreate the design ideas of 1940s inventor Geoffrey Pike, who originally conceptualized the Pykrete vessel as a cost-effective option for use in the frigid Atlantic Ocean. Physicists and chemists who gathered to watch further cited the small size of the vessel as a reason for its collapse, stating that the melting rate of ice decreases as surface volume increases. [pics and story: DailyMail ]

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Kid suspended from School for smoking pot but in reality he’s been crying because his dad was just brutally stabbed to death.

Imagine coming to school one day after your dad dies from being brutally stabbed and school officials suspend you for smoking weed and you didn’t even smoke!! Well that ís what happened to Kyler Robertson on Tuesday. Robertson, a 16-year-old student at Byron Nelson high school was cleared to return to classes today after a two-day suspension for believed marijuana use. On Tuesday he came into school mourning his father’s death with very “bloodshot watery eyes” and school officials had determined he smelled of marijuana. That Tuesday the school also performed a drug test, the drug test later revealed no evidence of marijuana or any other drug in his system — according to records provided to the Star-Telegram. At the end of the day the school made a really bad judgment call and now that they have to face the facts they are trying to act like they were right. …

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How to Roll a Joint in a Rolling Machine

How To Use a Joint Rolling Machine Put rolling paper in, sticky side up Add a filter on either side (optional) Add tobacco – green seems to mean fresh nowadays 😉 Close the machine and roll the side bars if your rolling machine requires -~ Happy 4:20

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