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Homemade Bongs

How to Make a Bong – MacGyver style

The following was submitted to the site via a comment to the Homemade Bong section.. I thought it was so good I’d create a separate post for it. How to make a Bong: You need: -A water bottle. I like using a bottle for airsoft BB’s though. Any kind of plastic container, basically. -Scissors -A pen -A small socket wrench head. -Adhesive such as chewing gum, electrical tape, play dough, whatever. 1.Take your plastic container and either drink what’s inside, pour it out, or if it isn’t something you drink, pour it into a different container or throw it away. 2.Take the scissors and poke two holes in it. One near the top somewhere along the side of the bottle, and one about three quarters of the way down, towards the bottom, somewhere on the side. Turn the scissors around a little bit to make the holes circular and big …

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Coolest Homemade Bongs

This post is dedicated to all the stoners who have took something of limited use and turned it into a functional smoking device.. DISCLAIMER: If you attempt to build one of these on your own make sure the parts you are using can withstand high heat without vaporizing. You don’t want to inhale plastic… that leads to all sorts of bad stuff in the long run. Now let the fun begin: The Mannequin Bong – by far the most sought after cutie of em all.. you inhale the smoke out of her mouth.. Sexy or just creepy? Don’t take her out of the basement. The gatorade bottle bong – The most reproduced bong, there seems to be a lot of different flavors of it.. A six tree percolator gatorade bong.. Definitely not safe to smoke out of. But cool to look at! This ones got some snazzy LED lighting in …

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