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Jamullah Herb Grinder Review

A few weeks ago I got my Jamullah grinder in the mail, I’ve been testing it out since. It came neatly packaged in a discrete brown box, with a sheet of paper stating that the grinder must be thoroughly cleaned before use. The grinders made of aluminum, so it’s fairly light, and the grinder pieces are quite sharp, but not enough to cut your fingers.. that’s a good or bad thing depending on how ya look at it. The holes for ground up nug are very small so the final ground up product is shredded to bits. This can be a hassle if your using somewhat wet herb and it may take 20-30 spins (yes.. we counted) before all the herb goes down. It’s a standard 4-piece grinder with one of the newer features of other grinders which is the plastic ring (aka O-Ring) between the top lid and grinder …

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