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Tag Archives: vaporite

Vaporite Elevation (VR-005) Review

Vaporite Elevation (VR-005) Price: $50 online Pros: Cheap Digital Temperature Quick Startup of 5 minutes Cons: Digital read is not accurate Burns your product Hard to put more product in without touching the scorching hot bowl (use a glove) Wooden, smells funny after being on for too long The reason why I came across this vaporizer was because my friend purchased it on a whim and then proceeded to leave it at my house for the next three weeks, forgetting it every time she was over.  Otherwise my taste is too picky for this type of vaporizer, unless you’re looking for one where you don’t have to spend any money, and you kind of get the vaporizing experience, kinda. The Vaporite Elevation features a wooden tower with a digital temperature read and a knob for temperature control.  Inside is a ceramic heating element, and at the top of the tower …

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