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Pot Plant Discovered Growing in front of Walgreens

Marijuana plant growing in front of Walgreens in San Francisco

Just goes to show, where weeds legal to grow, it’s quite possible theres so much of it, people might keep their greedy fingers to themselves and let some nice cannabis fully flower and mature in front of a Walgreens pharmacy. There’s a giant marijuana plant that looks has been planted in front of the Walgreens at Spear and Mission. Looks like it was planted guerilla-style, and there were a couple people around with little digital cameras. Not sure what the deal is. The plant is very aromatic.

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Weekly Weed News Wrap-Up

It’s been one heck of a week since Obama laughed off the idea of legalizing Marijuana to save the economy. Stoners everywhere are in an uproar over Obama’s take on the top 8 questions voted highest (3,606,000 votes) by Americans on the virtual town hall website for questions to ask the president, and laughed it off as if it meant nothing. These questions were voted highest in the categories, “health” and “economy”. Obama said yes to legalizing Marijuana when asked what he would do as president while campaigning in Hawaii but now as President he’s had a change of mind. Change we can believe in. . . “THE PRESIDENT:  Three point five million people voted.  I have to say that there was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy — (laughter) — and job creation.  And I …

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