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Tag Archives: bubble hash

The answer to: What can you do with vaporized marijuana?

Extra Finely Ground vs. Regular Grind

The key to saving bud for re-use later is to never overheat it. You’ll know you over-heated instantly from the near-death choking experience that subsequently follows such a little smoking plume. So what can you do with this now brownish colored vaporized bud? 1) Edibles: You can turn it into cannabutter using the recipe here! With cannabutter one can put up to 10 grams of vaporized bud into 1 stick of butter (being mindful of the potency of the bud being used, there is roughly 30-40% of that unburnt THC in the vaporized marijuana). Once the cannabutter has hardened in the fridge I do a betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe which uses their mix and that 1 stick of butter. You can do any recipe that requires butter. The possibilities extend as far as butter uses (buttering bread, pasta butter sauce, etc). The key is to avoid the butter …

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